
Sunday, May 20, 2012

A loner’s day out

Since the hectic level of our lives recently got heightened up to an extensive level, most people do not really have time to spend time with one another. Most have their own plans and some are left behind. Well, in my case, I am the one being left behind here and I decided to do things on my own. Yeah, so what if people cannot accompany you? Just be by yourself then. Well, being a loner is no stranger to me and my latest endeavor was going to watch a movie all by myself at a distant mall.

The plan was done the night before so that I will not be nervous or clueless. After that, woke up at the wanted hour and got ready, I made my move. Got on the bus and then the rain, which was surprising since it was not crowded. People do not go out on weekends anymore? Then, I reached my destination.

Here is the pivoting moment. I was jaywalking down the station when I was stopped by a group of sellers, or should I say conguys (conmen is just so sexist!) and were asked to support their cause and buy something. Darn it, they con me RM50 for a cheap perfume. Well, the silver lining is I got myself a new perfume! Been wanting to get one for quite some time. Then, I needed to withdraw some money since the one intended for the outing was wasted on the false cause. Here, I saw one of the thing I hate the most; people who don’t know how to queue up. Hello! Just because you don’t feel like queuing up does not mean you should not queue at all.. bastards! After much internal swearing, it was my turn and withdrew some money with great reluctance..

Then, I queued up again, this time around at the movie counters. Why God why must I meet annoying people. This time around, people who don’t know how to move in a line and made up their mind quickly. Dude, you’re not moving and is causing a traffic standstill behind you! And for the other group, please made up your mind, not discussing it once you are at the counter.. stoops.. finally got my ticket and have extra time to spend.. What to do now?

Walked.. aimlessly.. till I found.. JuiceWorks.. yeay, time to try the smoothies and spend some time reading.. bought one and get myself the card because I believe I will be a frequent visitor. Hehe.. than, I picked a place and decided to bring out the book that I have brought form home and start reading. Seriously, this is how you should spend your free time.. read, not doing nothing (note to self and others). Then, the time came for the movie to start. Get into the hall and wait for the movie to start. Was anticipating for trailers but all I got was bunch of ads that were to no importance in my life.. pfft.. then, the movie finally started and I watched it.. hmm, rather underwhelmed.. it somehow took away the fear in me. Once the movie was over, I decided to just make a move. Nothing else to be done. Yes, I am that simple.

Taking the train back. Hoping everything will be alright. Please, who am I kidding? I tend to get something on me. Like a nasty harassment in the train. Huhu.. seriously, it sucks! Luckily it was only for a short period but traumatising none the less. Finally reached home. With electricity restored.

That were what happened to me when I went out alone for a walk. Many things. Unexpected and expected but all add up to my experience book. Huhu, life is short.. relatively it is long.. whatever, just try everything..
