
Monday, March 26, 2012

just because..

people make assumptions. at times, the assumptions are smart and on spot, while on different occasions, no where near the real thing and is considered dumb and non-intellectual. this assumptions usually decides or at least help the person to decide on how to treat some people who they had assumed to act in such ways or have some ways of thinking. to be honest, being assumed for something you are not sucks. like real bad sucks. it irritates the hell out of me for people to treat me as if i have no knowledge about what they are talking about jut because i don't show or present myself like i know the stuff. have the courtesy to ask please? at least know your audience before you start bombarding them with knowledge that are redundant for some of them. yes, i admit there are people who do not know about the things, but from the gaze i observed from quite a large number, i can sense that they actually felt the same irritation. so, please, know your audience by heart. do not assume. assumptions may be right, but the reality might have a twist that we have yet to know.


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